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Vizag Gas Leak Tragedy | Styrene Gas Leak | LG Polymers Visakhapatnam

Vizag Gas Leak Tragedy
Vizag Gas Leak Tragedy

A gas strategy has now been reported in Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, where at a chemical plant a gas leak occurred around 3:30 am between 4 am as well this early morning, and as for reports that are coming in at least three people have lost their lives including the miner and several people have fallen sick because of this gas leak in a chemical plant that was reported in Vishakhapatnam. Nam this incident has led to a panic situation amongst the locals, especially in the adjoining areas of the villages as many people were seeing laying unconscious on the roads. While many of them also faced breathing difficulties. They were complaining of rashes and they were complaining of a burning sensation as the NDRF team and the state NDRF teams have also been deployed and they are helping in the hurried evacuation of the people who have could have been impacted because of the gas leak. We still do not know how many people are suspect To be inside the factory when this gas leak occurred, but now three people have been confirmed dead including a minor in this gas leak that has been reported many people who are getting to know have fallen sick and facing breathing difficulties using ambulances or their private cars, they are now being rushed to the nearby hospitals. The exact cause of the incident is yet to be a certain yet to be identified, but looking at the gas leak that may have occurred and the kind of impact that is happening in the neighboring areas. It is highly inflammable very toxic. So people are finding it difficult to read many of them who must have been sleeping at the time when the gas leak happened around early 3:30 am 4 am. In between the time but right now rescue operations are in full swing in the affected area. 

Well as we speak right now, the initial information you're getting right now is that CM Jagan Mohan Reddy is expected to go on a helicopter take a helicopter at around 11:45 am and he will be rushing and he will be meeting all the affected people. That is the latest issue getting the cheapest and backs has decided that he will go ahead and meet the victim so of this entire tragedy. The toll is expected to rise a lot because the chemical study in which was, which is being right now being spread across Vishakhapatnam is very dangerous, it affects the lungs immediately and also affects the brain and spine later. So, a lot of people in fact who are sleeping at around 23:00 to 3 am has been affected.

The officials are asking people they are spreading his messages across police is going ahead and telling people to evacuate the villages. The first initial estimate was that around three-kilometre radius of the entire plant chemical plant will be affected but right now, what we know is that the official extended to about five-kilometre radius which means or four to six village by that particular plan will be affected and the officials are trying to contain the spread leakage and the works are still going on and outside police and NDRF first Are evacuating people from the villages. The toll is expected to rise a lot. We still are not sure as to what exactly caused the entire incident was it a manual error, but then the plant in question by LG polymers was shut for a very long time. Around 230 to three their workers were trying to get the band ready after logged on an extension. And after that what transpired is that the plant there was immediately kicked around 20 to 25 people in the plant were initially affected and people in and around those villages. Three to four villages started feeling unconfined falling in concert, most of them who in fact, were sleeping on the road. 

With people now they were people the workers invite on 20 to 25 people were there inside the factory who are working on the plan, getting implanted After the relaxation and lockdown and also they were people outside, in fact, were affected they were sleeping on, on the outside attaches because of summer and most of them fell unconscious because this Styrene chemical in fact, which leaked from the plant is quite dangerous it affects breathing and also it mixes with oxygen and travels in the atmosphere quite quickly. So that is a major concern for authorities who are trying to stop the leakage of gas from the entire area and also people are being evacuated right now. In fact, in the last one, it says there were over 200 people who are admitted to King George hospital and which are version one of the premier hospitals and the most of all the 300 people have reported breathing difficulties across the but now there are over 1000 people, thousand 2500 people have been factor have been admitted to hospitals and Right now the casualty told us at three right now where one eight-year-old child is dead and also two other senior citizens who had health complications. We also have come to know that, that the people our team job is Jagan Mohan Reddy, we'll take a helicopter, he'll take a chopper from Vijayawada and go there at around 11:45 AM and meet the victims. This was quite unexpected for especially in this lockdown period, there were a lot of people also in the villages who didn't step out. So all of them in fact, we're in the villages when this tragedy happened. 

Some the important updates :

vizag gas leak tweet 1  
vizag gas leak tweet 2

vizag gas leak tweet 3

vizag gas leak tweet 4

vizag gas leak tweet 5

The time where the people wouldn't have suspected that the gas leak has occurred, which is highly inflammable and toxic right now the people where rescue operations are also taking place locals are also coming out to help others are many of them who have been complaining of difficulty in breathing and a burning sensation. Many of them are now being rushed to nearby hospitals. 


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